EQUIPO LEXICOGRÁFICO EVEREST EVEREST S.A,EDITORIAL Ref. 9788424112387 Altres de la mateixa col·lecció Altres del mateix autor
    Among the multitude of dictionaries available on the market, this one stands out for being especially designed for students and learners of English.This dictionary is the ideal learning tool for students at the intermediate level who wish to expand upon their knowledge of the English language. To th...
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  • Descripció

    • Encuadernació : Rústica amb solapes
    Among the multitude of dictionaries available on the market, this one stands out for being especially designed for students and learners of English.
    This dictionary is the ideal learning tool for students at the intermediate level who wish to expand upon their knowledge of the English language. To this end, this volume offers over 40,000 terms taken from everyday language, each with its phonetic transcription to make pronunciation easier. It also features examples of grammatical usage, numerous informative charts (with both grammatical and cultural information), helpful illustrations, and much more. Compiled by a prestigious team of specialists, including linguists, philologists, and proofreaders, its flexicover binding and easy-to-carry size make it especially attractive and pleasant to use.

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