HERNANDEZ, CESAR I D'ALTRES EVEREST S.A,EDITORIAL Ref. 9788424118020 Altres de la mateixa col·lecció Altres del mateix autor
    With more than 300 million Spanish speakers, Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world. Its importance as a cultural, political and economic vehicle has crossed the borders of the twenty nations that regard it among their official languages, and helped it to become one of the most use...
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    • Encuadernació : Rústica
    With more than 300 million Spanish speakers, Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world. Its importance as a cultural, political and economic vehicle has crossed the borders of the twenty nations that regard it among their official languages, and helped it to become one of the most used in today’s society.
    The main objective of the teaching of any language, whether it be as a mother tongue or a foreign language, is to achieve a level of linguistic competence that enables expressing and understanding both spoken and written messages in an appropriate way.
    In collaboration with the prestigious University of Valladolid, Editorial Everest has created a complete method for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language, apt for developing each of the basic abilities (listening, speaking, reading and writing), and which combines communicative methodology with the study of grammar, spelling and vocabulary. It is based on the use of common communicative situations so that the student may learn the foreign language by simply listening to it and feel the need to communicate by correctly using the grammatical structures and vocabulary that has been learnt without explanation from anyone but rather gradually deduced by the student himself. The grammar, the spelling and the vocabulary are deduced through exercises, listenings and reading texts that are specially designed for each function, and which are presented in easily understood plans.
    This method is aimed at students of all levels and ages, and is apt for use in the classroom and for self-study.

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